Firmware and software development

Devcomm has in-depth expertise in the areas of firmware development for embedded systems.We offer end-to-end support for firmware development starting from system requirements to testing for quality and environment. Chrontech develops BSPs to reflect the CPU and peripherals of the generic OS interfaces. Our BSPs are developed to provide complete functionality that can enable interface between different system components.Complementing our specialization with disparate operating systems, our BSPs are compatible with Android, Linux, Windows, and other mobile platforms. We have strategic partnerships with many leading technology companies. This enables us to have early access and expertise on the latest products from these companies, and also consult with product teams for first-hand support. Armed with this experience, our team has delivered faster uptime for various boards and has successfully addressed the inherent limitations of different hardware devices.

Our products & Services

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  • +359 2411 0865
  • +359 884 836 142

About us

We strive to create lasting impressions by establishing a genuine relationship to aid in helping solve our clients both visually and interactively. Creativity. We make it personal. We work directly with you, providing personalized, unique solutions that cater to your area of business. We are committed to expanding our clients business capabilities while becoming a trusted partner for their future growth.